Go now, a child of God. Choose well the road you take,
And the decisions you make. Keep in mind always that The God you serve continues to call to you, making you more and more every day into the faithful one God wants you to be.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Forty- one

God, find in me a perfect heart.

A perfect heart seeks to be in God's presence always to dwell in communion.  Communtion meants talking with the Lord, sharing fellowship with him, seeking his face and knowing his presence. 

Jeremiah 17:10
"I the Lord search the heart."

There is not a time that God is not looking into our hearts to see if we are preparing for his kingdom. He searches us to remove the things not pleasing to him and speaks to us about it so it may be changed. 

I want to have a heart that is pleasing and perfect in God's eyes.  The love I feel for God is enough for me to want to change the things he does not find pleasing- like holding a grudge or hatred.  I want to respond to what God is saying to me about what he finds. 
God is searching my heart to find out what I devote my time, money and energy towards.  Is there something in my life that I put before the time or love I feel for God?  Loving God is so much more than just saying you love God, it is acting on it.  Loving God produces loving actions. 

Today God asked me to show love to someone that did not deserve it.  I got hostility, but I still spoke in a loving way and told that person that I love them.  I didn't feel like they cared for it very much, but God didn't ask me to do it to get something back, he just asked me to do it.  It is a big thing to love someone that doesn't love you back.  It hurts.

Think of how God feels when he loves us and we don't love God back, or only say the words but do not have the actions to show it. 

Allow God to search your heart and pray that prayer, "God, find in me a perfect heart."

 I want to go into heaven with a perfect heart and I am thankful that God can help me with it before I get there, so he will find in me a perfect heart.

May God see the same perfect heart in you on that day of judgement. 


A change in season, a change in me. 

Grace and Peace to you from God our father.

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