Go now, a child of God. Choose well the road you take,
And the decisions you make. Keep in mind always that The God you serve continues to call to you, making you more and more every day into the faithful one God wants you to be.

Monday, November 16, 2009


First thing this morning I have some prayer requests:

I am praying for God to send two of my single friend’s husbands. One has a child and the other friend wants a child. Husbands that will love the Lord and be great providers, partners and leaders in their homes, may they be men that are respectable. I pray that God will send the right person into each of their lives and they are receptive to the men the Lord sends.

I am praying for a friend that is seeking the Lord. May God help her find a church home. I am in prayer for her marriage because her husband is not a Christian. I pray that God will be with her in her struggles and provide protection and strength in her family. She also starts a part-time job to meet her family’s financial needs. Thank God for that blessing and give her strength for the long days ahead.

I am praying for a young unmarried couple that just found out they are having a baby. These two young people still have selfish hearts and do not know what the future holds for them. They did not plan on a baby. I pray that God will come into their lives and they will seek God to guide them to marriage and through their parenting journey. They are twenty five years old.

I am also rejoicing for another couple that has been blessed with another child.

I am praying for healing for my friends that are sick and struggling with cancer, kidney stones, surgery, and sickness. I pray also for their families that will uplift them and support them during their time of healing.

I am praying for salvation for several people.

I am praying that the Holy Spirit will come into the life of my husband and lead him in his actions.
I am praying for a couple that is very negative towards me. I pray that God will intervene in that situation and bring about changes.

I am praying about each and every one of us as Christians to seek and follow God, and keep our focus on our eternal salvation and the forgiveness of sin that we have in the Lord Jesus Christ.

May we all strive for a relationship with God. I am thankful for God drawing me nearer to him through my recent struggles, I am being patient in the Lord and seeking his will in all areas in my life.

I could spend all day with God presenting Him with a prayer for every person I speak to today, already I have laid eyes on about 24 people that I could say a prayer to the Lord for each of them. My prayers could be endless today from the time I woke up to the minute I fall asleep.  May God bless each of those people and every person I come in contact with today.  Let us all have a heart of love and concern for everyone in our lives. Even if they are not someone we know. 

Letting go and letting God.

When God is at work in our lives, it is hard to have patience.

It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns. —Luke 12:43

1. For God to do some good works, sometimes there are changes that have to be made within ourselves. God can be faithful while he makes us aware that some things are not right with us, like our fellowship with God, the choices we make, and our devotion to God. God does expect things from us, we are to worship, serve and love the Lord with all our hearts. Devotion is what God is seeking from his children.

2. God has some things for us to learn. For each of us the Holy Spirit can enter our lives and make us aware of sin in our lives, it could be envy, anger, hatred, unforgiveness, and blaming others.
If this is where you are in your walk, pray for the Holy Spirit to enter your life and change these areas in your life. The Holy Spirit can change the character of a person, if you allow it.

3. Give things time. Give God time. Patience is hard for all of us to accept. We live in a world of instant gratification. God is not an instant gratification kind of God. He allows things to happen in His time. Amen.
In our daily life the most we can do is seek God and study the word and draw nearer to God and get a stronger relationship with God to help us through the times we await what God wants for our lives.

I am thankful that God has all the power over situations and will work them out for His Glory.

To God be all the Glory, honor and praise.

Lord, give us all thankful hearts. 

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