Go now, a child of God. Choose well the road you take,
And the decisions you make. Keep in mind always that The God you serve continues to call to you, making you more and more every day into the faithful one God wants you to be.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One hundred twenty-three

Philippians 4:6
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers.”

I’m not feeling bright and shiny this morning. My husband and I are going to go ahead with our divorce.

Yesterday’s devotion said I had to grin and bear it. Today’s verse is telling me to give it all over to God.

Maybe I’ve not been bright and shiny for a while and this is God’s way to do some rubbing to remove what needs to be removed to bring back the shine in my life. God is wanting to remove my frustration, resentment and pride.

I am humble today and trying my best to be positive and count my blessings.

God is good all the time.

Today I want to Thank God for all He has given me, all He has taken away, and all that He left me.

Counting my blessings that my husband and I are still civil during this very difficult time of our lives.

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