Go now, a child of God. Choose well the road you take,
And the decisions you make. Keep in mind always that The God you serve continues to call to you, making you more and more every day into the faithful one God wants you to be.

Friday, December 25, 2009

One hundred twelve

We give presents because the wise men did. We put up stars to remind us of the one at Bethlehem. We light candles to celebrate the light that came into the world.
Today is the most celebrated birthday on the planet. I lift up my praise and worship to the Lord Jesus Christ! I am thankful for all the gifts He has given in love, through family, friends and talents. I know that all things are from God and today I am blessed to have a savior and that in knowing Him I will also have everlasting life in heaven when this life on Earth is over.

God still has a great and mighty work to be completed here on Earth until Jesus second return. May we all look forward to that day as we celebrate and worship our Lord today all days forward.

Philippians 2:7
“He gave up his place with God and made himself nothing. He was born to be a man and became like a servant.”

God became a man in the Lord Jesus Christ. God was on the Earth in the form of someone that we could see, feel and hear. He came with a message. That message was to accept Him and to live with Him in eternity.

I am blessed this Christmas day and am surrounded by love.

God is love.

Blessings to you and yours today.

Merry Christmas!

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